Lieutenant Governor recognizes Miigis with Ontario Heritage Award

Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Elizabeth Dowdeswell presented Red Sky Performance’s Miigis project with a Lieutenant Governor’s Ontario Heritage Award for Excellence in Conservation on Friday, February 23, 2018.

Red Sky has a strong track record of creating experiences that connect art to nature. Miigis is a shining example of conservation, health, valuing water, culture, science, and the nature of connection.

For almost two decades, Red Sky embodies a deep conservation ethic that is embedded in our programming. We have collaborated with leading Indigenous artists from First Nations, Inuit and Metis communities within Ontario and from Indigenous communities from overseas. The process of exchange has built a platform for sharing Indigenous perspectives of the Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island, and our intrinsic understanding of contemporary challenges, and traditional practices of land and water conservation.

Miigis was co-commisioned by the City of Toronto, The Bentway and Fort York Historic Site in September 2017.

Lieutenant Governor’s Suite, Ontario Legislative Building