Concept & Dramaturgy: Sandra Laronde
Director: Andrea Donaldson
Playwright: Erin Shields
Choreography: Carlos Rivera and
Sandra Laronde
Music & Sound Design: Rick Sacks
Associate Sound Design: Marc Merilianen
Set, Video & Lighting: Andrew Moro
Cree Translation: Tyrone Tootoosis Sr.
Mask Design & Build: Karen Rodd
Costume: Elaine Redding & Charlene Senuik

An unforgettable story of reconciliation, Mistatim is about the truest of friendships. Speck and Calvin are separated by a fence and in many ways they are worlds apart, until a wild horse turns their worlds upside down. Ideal for K to Grade 6.

Nominated for a Dora Mavor Moore Award for Outstanding Production
Winner of Best Script, Best Direction, and Best Production by Youth Drama Awards in China

“Mistatim vibrates with energetic freedom and thrilling eye-opening discovery.”

NNNN 4-star review – NOW Magazine

  • 3 performers, 2 crew, same day open
  • 48 minutes running time
  • Suitable for K to Grade 6 and families



“Bringing knowledge about treaties, Indigenous rights, cultures and perspectives to the classroom as a mandatory part of the province's curriculum is a response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions Calls to Action 62 and 63.”
– CBC News (Nov 8, 2017), Indigenous history, culture now mandatory part of Ontario curriculum


Language Arts: Storytelling, Native-American Language, Oral Communication
Literature: Mythology, Folk Tales, Reading
Science: Animals and Habitats, Care for the Environment
Social Studies: Native-American Studies, First Nations, Traditions and Celebrations
Fine Arts: Dance, Drama, Choreography and Movement
Indigenous (Native American) Education
Indigenous (Native American) Issues


"Brilliant Story and Storytelling. Timely. To cover so much ground that is relevant and important, within an engaging and surprisingly emotional tale, in under an hour without being heavy-handed, is an achievement of great value. Should be a required part of school curriculum. Kids will likely learn way more here [through Mistatim] than from any classroom lecture. Thanks for the great performance, Red Sky!"
– Dr. Lorne Rothman, Toronto


"This show is exactly what the teachers at this school needed to see in order to realize that when we implement an Indigenous element in every class next year, they don’t need to be afraid and don’t need to withhold. Children can handle the truth (of the residential school system) if we are willing to tell them."
– Vice-Principal, Okanagan Valley, British Columbia


"The show was delightful, and the students and families from our school were thrilled by the entire experience! They [the children] were ON FIRE excited. "Those are MY PEOPLE!" said one of the girls! "I think we might be related" came from one of the kids who took photos! Amazing - they are connecting possibilities, seeing themselves in a light they would have never imagined before! These experiences change our students' future, allowing them to see what is POSSIBLE!!! The joy and excitement was inspiring and beautiful! THANK YOU!"
– Carla Pauls, School Counsellor, Exshaw Public School, Alberta